Friday, August 28, 2009

Reformasi Tanpa Anwar

Dipetik dari

Berderailah air mata rakyat apabila DS Anwar ditangkap dan dibawa ke mahkamah. Jika tidak kerana kebijaksanaan DS Anwar menjangka bahawa beliau akan ditangkap dan memaklumkan sikapnya kepada para pengikut yang ramai berkumpul di rumahnya di Damansara pada waktu itu, saya kira tidak mustahil nama DS Anwar kini sudah tercatat di mana-mana batu nesan di Cherok Tok Kun.

Jelajah penjelasan DS Anwar ke seluruh negara waktu itu tertangguh. Rasa tidak menentu berselubung. Memikirkan sekumpulan polis bertopeng yang memecah masuk dan lengkap bersenjata, tidak ada apa yang boleh menidakkan sangkaan yang buruk tentang nasib DS Anwar. Cukup popular waktu itu baris kata “jika saya (DS Anwar), bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri boleh dilakukan sebegini rupa, apatah lagi nasib rakyat biasa”.

Jika kita dapat kesan, DS Anwar selalu memilih bahasa mudah yang dalam maksudnya untuk menyuntik kesedaran rakyat. Sebab itu, saya selalu ingat, malah juga diceritakan ramai rakan-rakan saya yang pernah bertemu DS Anwar; pesan beliau “don’t underestimate the wisdom of the peoples” (jangan meremehkan kebijaksanaan rakyat).

Saya berpeluang berjumpa dan berbual dengan ramai tokoh – pelbagai parti dan pelbagai tahap dalam hierarki parti. Selalu saya ingatkan bahawa agenda perubahan dari kata Islah, Reformasi atau Transformasi yang mahu digunapakai, political languages (bahasa politik – maksud saya retorika politik) perlu diubah. Bahasa eksklusif tidak ada daya penarik. Kita jangan sekadar pandai mengambil nama-nama tokoh untuk dititip dibibir tanpa mahu cuba memahami kelebihan-kelebihan yang menjadikan mereka berpengaruh. Seburuk-buruk Hitler, dalam pengajian komunikasi beliau tetap punya tempat tersendiri.

Tapi sayang, ahli politik memang biasa dengan top-down approach. Mereka mahu semuanya di bawah kawalan mereka. Sebab itu untuk saya DS Anwar ada keunikan tersendiri. Tatkala bergerak ke kerusi kekuasaan, beliau menumpahkan pandangan politiknya yang sebenar melalui Gelombang Kebangkitan Asia atau biasa kita dengar buku Asian Renaissance. Saya bersyukur kerana berjaya mendapatkan semula buku ini dalam bahasa Melayu selepas buku pertama hilang dicuri! Ketika saya ke Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) – penerbit buku ini, saya dimaklumkan bahawa kerajaan telah memerintah lupus buku ini, namun staf DBP tersebut masih menyimpan 7 naskah buku ini jika saya mahu membeli.

Kebencian kerajaan pimpinan DS Dr. Mahathir kepada DS Anwar cukup dalam. Selepas cabaran Tengku Razaleigh lewat 1980-an, ternyata DS Dr. Mahathir tidak mahu lagi dicabar. Seorang doktor, ahli sains sering ditanggap berfikiran bahawa 1+1 mesti = 2. Manakala DS Anwar selaku tokoh belia, dilatih dalam bidang pengajian Melayu, ternyata mempunyai corak fikir kemanusiaan 1+1 mungkin tidak menjadi 2.

Rumusan masyarakat Madani ternyata satu kaedah yang tidak disukai DS Dr. Mahathir. Bacalah pengantar buku tersebut. Ia dinyatakan ketika mereka berdua masih memimpin kerajaan. Tidak ada ahli politik Malaysia yang berada di kedudukan DS Anwar waktu itu yang berani mengambil jalan memberikan kuasa kepada masyarakat sivil (baca: rakyat) ketika suara-suara lain bertumpukan usaha memusatkan kuasa (centralization). Tidak perlu pergi sampai kepada Perdana Menteri, pemimpin JKKK pun sudah cukup, seboleh-bolehnya mahu mengawal segalanya.

Di sanalah yang membezakan DS Anwar dengan DS Dr. Mahathir. Penghakupayaan masyarakat hanya mungkin subur dengan urus tadbir yang baik serta kedaulatan undang-undang. Dari sanalah persoalan Ekonomi yang Manusiawi ditawarkan – sambil kita mendongak langit menjana pertumbuhan, kita jangan lalai merenung ke bawah tempat berpijak. Tanpa gagal, dalam tiap pembentangan Belanjawan (yang ditukar menjadi Bajet oleh DS Dr. Mahathir), DS Anwar tidak lupa menyebut tentang surplus money dari hasil ekonomi negara patut diurusi dengan pengiktibaran kisah mimpi Nabi Yusof a.s. tentang 7 ekor lembu gemuk dan 7 ekor lembu kurus. Tanyalah orang UMNO hari ini, di mana simpanan sekitar RM 5-6 billion dalam Tabung Warisan Generasi yang diilhamkan DS Anwar untuk generasi mansang saat DS Dr. Mahathir rakus menyelamatkan ‘projek-projeknya yang gagal’. Kita tidak lagi mendengar Perwaja dan Renong misalnya.

Tidak lama usai DS Anwar ditangkap, khabar tiris dari penjara mengatakan bahawa beliau telah dipukul teruk justeru pihak polis telah mengisytiharkan bahawa beliau ditangkap di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA). Ezam Mohd Nor selaku Setiausaha Politiknya waktu itu yang berkenala melindung nasib di Indonesia telah mengeluarkan kenyataan selepas dirumus bersama ‘orang-orang Anwar’ yang lain bahawa yang memukul DS Anwar dalam kes mata lebamnya yang popular itu ialah Ketua Polis Negara (KPN).

Pernah, semasa saya di tingkatan 5 itu, khabar angin sampai ke Perlis bahawa DS Anwar meninggal di dalam penjara. Saya masih ingat subuh itu cukup suram. Saya tidak ada kata mahu diungkap, sekadar menanti berita sahih.

Tidak cukup dengan itu kita tahu bahawa affidavit DS Nalakaruppan tiba-tiba muncul di dalam media walhal beliau masih belum dibawa ke mahkamah untuk didakwa!

Kita juga tahu Sukma dan Munawar Anees telah dijatuh hukum dalam bicara 30 minit tanpa peguam yang dilantik mereka sendiri! Pernah sekali DS Anwar bergurau dengan stafnya tidak lama selepas isu tuduhan Saiful meletup “Susah betul saya nak ambil staf sekarang – dulu yang tua (Munawar Anees) pun kena tuduh, nak ambil perempuan pun kena, nak ambil yang muda pun kena, kali ini saya cuba ambil yang ‘sihat’ sikit (merujuk Eekmal, SU Akhbar DS Anwar sekarang, haha – jangan marah Eekmal!).

Kita juga tahu dari keterangan Dr. Zahari bahawa polis ada meminta sampel darah DS Anwar untuk tujuan yang bertentangan dengan tujuan asal sampel darah ini diberikan. Kita juga tahu kisah duta Malaysia cuba membayar rasuah kepada seorang lelaki kulit hitam di Amerika untuk mengaku ada hubungan homoseksual dengan DS Anwar. Mujur ada kewarasan untuk lelaki ini muncul membuat pengakuan. Kita juga terkejut dengan kehadiran Lim Kong Boon yang dikatakan pakar kimia tetapi penghujahannya kemudian ditolak mentah oleh mahkamah kerana ‘merepek’nya dia hingga boleh menjejaskan isu pendakwa raya. Lebih jauh daripada itu, tarikh-tarikh pendakwaan berubah mengikut kesesuaian polis walhal mereka telah merampas diari DS Anwar pada malam tangkapan! Aneh! Sama seperti kes Saiful – siasatan apa yang mereka buat apabila pertuduhan muncul mengatakan Saiful secara sukarela membuat hubungan homoseksual walhal Saiful mengatakan tanpa rela. Apa yang disiasat?

Malah, kita juga tahu dalam kes dakwaan kepada DS Anwar tahun 1998, bahawa Perdana Menteri telah wewenang menolak sapina melalui peruntukan khas undang-undang yang ada padanya.

Umumnya, saya seorang yang pragmatik. Saya bergiat dalam kegiatan dakwah tabligh untuk satu tempoh dan ia telah membina paradigma yang kuat untuk saya melihat bahawa semua manusia adalah ‘rakan’ saya di mana kami sama di sisi Allah s.w.t. dan kami perlu bersama-sama mengusahakan redha Allah s.w.t.

Kesan dari paradigma ini ialah saya tidak mampu membenci orang-orang UMNO mahupun parti-parti lain. Untuk saya, ruang dakwah itu sentiasa terbuka. Mereka dan saya sendiri sentiasa terdedah kepada kesilapan dan harus sedar serta berusaha memperbaikinya.

Tapi saya tidak berkompromi untuk menyatakan sikap politik saya secara jelas. Bahawa persoalan dakwah bertahap itu tidak semestinya saya membiarkan negara ini hancur di tangan mereka yang tidak peduli persoalan sebuah negara bermaruah.

Dari apa yang saya nyatakan di atas jelas:

1. Polis yang dulunya sumber pengharapan rakyat sedia berkhidmat untuk sebuah kekuasaan UMNO biarpun ia di luar prinsip, kemunasabahan dan keadilan. 2. Media yang dikawal jelas hanya pembesar suara kepada godfather politik yang menguasainya. 3. Institusi kehakiman hilang kewarasan undang-undang. 4. Bidang profesionalisme mahu diluluh lantak untuk menjustifikasikan kes. 5. Perdana Menteri hilang pertimbangan tentang sebuah negara hukum.

Untuk saya, 5 perkara inilah, dalam kes 1998 yang menjadi teras kenapa saya menolak dakwaan terhadap DS Anwar dan percaya bahawa ini adalah konspirasi peringkat tertinggi untuk mematikan karier politik DS Anwar. Tidak ada kompromi untuk apa yang saya sifatkan tiang-tiang yang membina sistem kenegaraan. Sebab itu untuk saya DS Anwar boleh dipecat dengan cara wajar, mengikut lunas parti atau kuasa Perdana Menteri menasihat DYMM YDP Agong. Oh ya, sampai hari ini kita tidak pernah melihat dokumen rasmi ini. Raja Negeri Sembilan waktu itu tentulah Raja yang saya fikir tidak mudah mengambil keputusan sepenting itu. Kita tahu Arwah Raja dan Permaisurinya pernah bertemu DS Anwar di Munich, Jerman. Kita juga tahu sejarah bagaimana Raja Negeri Sembilan selaku Raja Pertama di takhta pasca Merdeka datang dari luhur yang demokratik dan memahami sistem kenegaraan.

Konspirasi dan Reformasi akan terus hidup dan bertarung. Ia belum berhenti selagi DS Anwar hidup.

Persoalan penting buat kita – Apa kisah Reformasi Tanpa Anwar?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

new rule ..of world fprmula 1 championship

From the 2009 Formula One Technical Regulations:

5.2 Other means of propulsion:
The use of any device, other than the 2.4 litre, four stroke engine described in 5.1 above and one KERS, to power the car, is not permitted.
5.2.2 With the exception of one fully charged KERS, the total amount of recoverable energy stored on the car must not exceed 300kJ. Any which may be recovered at a rate greater than 2kW must not exceed 20kJ.
5.2.3 The maximum power, in or out, of any KERS must not exceed 60kW.
Energy released from the KERS may not exceed 400kJ in any one lap.
Measurements will be taken at the connection to the rear wheel drivetrain.
5.2.4 The amount of stored energy in any KERS may not be increased whilst the car is stationary during a race pit stop.
Release of power from any such system must remain under the complete control of the driver at all times the car is on the track.
5.2.5 Cars must be fitted with homologated sensors which provide all necessary signals to the SDR in order to verify the requirements above are being respected.

9.9 Kinetic Energy Recovery System :
The KERS must connect at any point in the rear wheel drivetrain before the differential. If connected between the differential and wheel the torque applied by the KERS to each wheel must be the same.
9.9.2 The system will be considered shut down when all energy is contained within the KERS modules and no
high voltage is present on any external or accessible part of any KERS module.
The shutdown process must take no longer than two seconds from activation.
9.9.3 It must be possible to shut down the KERS via the following means :
- the switch required by Article 14.2.1 ;
- the switches required by Article 14.2.2 ;
- the switch or button required by Article 9.4.
9.9.4 The KERS must shut down when the ECU required by Article 8.2 initiates an anti-stall engine shut off.
9.9.5 All cars must be fitted with a KERS status light which :
- is in working order throughout the Event even if the main hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical systems
on the car have failed ;
- is located in the same general location s the light required by Article 8.10 ;
- is green only when the system is shut down ;
- remains powered for at least 15 minutes if the car comes to rest with its engine stopped ;
- is marked with a “HIGH VOLTAGE” symbol.

One of the purposes of the regulations under Article 3 below is to minimize the detrimental effect that the wake of a car may have on a following car.

Furthermore, infinite precision can be assumed on certain dimensions provided it is clear that such an assumption
is not being made in order to circumvent or subvert the intention of the relevant regulation.

For illustrations refer to drawings 1A-17A in the Appendix to these regulations.

3.1 Wheel centre line:
The centre line of any wheel shall be deemed to be half way between two straight edges, perpendicular to the surface on which the car is standing, placed against opposite sides of the complete wheel at the centre of the tyre tread.
3.2 Height measurements:
All height measurements will be taken normal to and from the reference plane.
3.3 Overall width:
The overall width of the car, including complete wheels, must not exceed 1800mm with the steered wheels in the straight ahead position. Overall width will be measured when the car is fitted with tyres inflated to 1.4 bar.
3.4 Width ahead of the rear wheel centre line:
Bodywork width between the front and rear wheel centre lines must not exceed 1400mm.
3.4.2 In order to prevent tyre damage to other cars any bodywork ahead of the complete front wheel and more than 750mm from the car centre line visible from the side or the front must be at least 10mm thick with a radius of at least 5mm.
3.4.3 In order to avoid the spread of debris on the track following an accident, the outer skins of the front wing endplates and any turning vanes in the vicinity of the front wheels (and any similarly vulnerable bodywork parts in this area), must be made predominantly from materials which are included for the specific purpose of containing debris.
The FIA must be satisfied that all such parts are constructed in order to achieve the stated objective.
3.5 Width behind the rear wheel centre line:
The width of bodywork behind the rear wheel centre line and less than 200mm above the reference plane must not exceed 1000mm.
3.5.2 The width of bodywork behind the rear wheel centre line and more than 200mm above the reference plane must not exceed 750mm.
3.6 Overall height:
No part of the bodywork may be more than 950mm above the reference plane.
3.7 Front bodywork height:
All bodywork situated forward of a point lying 330mm behind the front wheel centre line, and more than 250mm from the centre line of the car, must be no less than 75mm and no more than 275mm above the reference plane.
3.7.2 Any horizontal section taken through bodywork located forward of a point lying 450mm forward of the front wheel centre line, less than 250mm from the car centre line, and between 125mm and 200mm above the reference plane, may only contain two closed symmetrical sections with a maximum total area of 5000mm2 The thickness of each section may not exceed 25mm when measured perpendicular to the car centre line.
Once fully defined, the sections at 125mm above the reference plane must be projected vertically to join the profile required by Article 3.7.3. A radius no greater than 10mm may be used where these sections join.
3.7.3 Forward of a point lying 450mm ahead of the front wheel centre line and less than 250mm from the car centre line and less than 125mm above the reference plane, only one single section may be contained within any longitudinal vertical cross section parallel to the car centre line. Furthermore, with the exception of local changes of section where the bodywork defined in Article 3.7.2 attaches to this section, the profile, incidence and position of this section must conform to Drawing 7.
3.7.4 In the area bounded by lines between 450mm and 1000mm ahead of the front wheel centre line, 250mm and 400mm from the car centre line and between 75mm and 275mm above the reference plane, the projected area of all bodywork onto the longitudinal centre plane of the car must be no more than 20,000mm2.
3.7.5 Ahead of the front wheel centre line and between 750mm and 840mm from the car centre line there must be bodywork with a projected area of no less than 95,000mm2 in side view.
3.7.6 Ahead of the front wheel centre line and between 840mm and 900mm from the car centre line there must
be bodywork with a projected area of no less than 28,000mm2 in plan view. Furthermore, when viewed
from underneath, the bodywork in this area must form one continuous surface which may not be more than
100mm above the reference plane.
3.7.7 Any longitudinal vertical cross section taken through bodywork ahead of the front wheel centre line and between 840mm and 900mm from the car centre line must contain an area no greater than 15,000mm2.
3.7.8 With the exception of cameras or camera housings approved by the FIA, only a single section, which must be open, may be contained within any longitudinal vertical cross section taken parallel to the car centre line forward of a point 150mm ahead of the front wheel centre line, less than 250mm from the car centre line
and more than 125mm above the reference plane.
3.8 Bodywork in front of the rear wheels:
Other than the rear view mirrors (including their mountings), each with a maximum area of 12000mm² and
14000 mm2 when viewed from directly above or directly from the side respectively, no bodywork situated
more than 330mm behind the front wheel centre line and more than 330mm forward of the rear wheel
centre line, which is more than 600mm above the reference plane, may be more than 300mm from the
centre line of the car.
3.8.2 No bodywork between the rear wheel centre line and a line 800mm forward of the rear wheel centre line, which is more than 375mm from the centre line of the car, may be more than 500mm above the reference plane.
3.8.3 No bodywork between the rear wheel centre line and a line 400mm forward of the rear wheel centre line, which is more than 375mm from the centre line of the car, may be more than 300mm above the reference plane.
3.8.4 Any vertical cross section of bodywork normal to the car centre line situated in the volumes defined below must form one tangent continuous curve on its external surface. This tangent continuous curve may not contain any radius less than 75mm :
- the volume between 50mm forward of the rear wheel centre line and 300mm rearward of the rear face of the cockpit entry template, which is more than 25mm from the car centre line and more than 100mm above the reference plane ;
- the volume between 300mm rearward of the rear face of the cockpit entry template and the rear face of the cockpit entry template, which is more than 125mm from the car centre line and more than 100mm above the reference plane ;
- the volume between the rear face of the cockpit entry template and 450mm forward of the rear face of the cockpit entry template, which is more than 350mm from the car centre line and more than 100mm above the reference plane.
The surfaces lying within these volumes, which are situated more than 55mm forward of the rear wheel centre line, must not contain any apertures (other than those permitted by Article 3.8.5) or contain any vertical surfaces which lie normal to the centre line of the car.
3.8.5 Once the relevant bodywork surfaces are defined in accordance with Article 3.8.4, apertures may be added for the following purposes only :
- single apertures either side of the car centre line for the sole purpose of exhaust exits. These apertures may have a combined area of no more than 50,000mm2 Pwhen projected onto the surface itself.
- apertures either side of the car centre line for the sole purpose of allowing suspension members and driveshafts to protrude through the bodywork. No such aperture may have an area greater than 12,000 mm2 when projected onto the surface itself.
3.8.6 The impact absorbing structures defined by Article 15.5.2 must be fully enclosed by bodywork, such that no part of the impact structure is in contact with the external air flow. When cut by a longitudinal vertical plane, the bodywork enclosing these impact structures must not form closed sections in the region between 450mm and 875mm forward of the rear edge of the cockpit template.
3.9 Bodywork between the rear wheels:
3.9.1 No bodywork situated between 50mm and 330mm forward of the rear wheel centre line, and which is more than 75mm from the car centre line, may be more than 600mm above the reference plane.
3.9.2 No bodywork situated between 50mm forward of the rear wheel centre line and 150mm behind the rear wheel centre line, and which is between 75mm and 355mm from the car centre line, may be located between 400mm and 730mm above the reference plane.
3.10 Height behind the rear wheel centre line:
Any bodywork more than 150mm behind the rear wheel centre line which is between 200mm and 730mm above the reference plane, and between 75mm and 355mm from the car centre line, must lie in an area when viewed from the side of the car that is situated between 150mm and 350mm behind the rear wheel centre line and between 300mm and 400mm above the reference plane. When viewed from the side of the car no longitudinal cross section may have more than one section in this area.
3.10.2 Any bodywork behind a point lying 50mm forward of the rear wheel centre line which is more than 730mm above the reference plane, and between 75mm and 355mm from the car centre line, must lie in an area when viewed from the side of the car that is situated between the rear wheel centre line and a point 350mm behind it. When viewed from the side of the car, no longitudinal cross section may have more than two closed sections in this area.
Furthermore, the distance between adjacent sections at any longitudinal plane must not exceed 15mm at their closest position.
3.10.3 In order to ensure that the relationship between these two sections cannot change whilst the car is in motion they must be bridged by means of rigid impervious supports (including any adjustment mechanism) arranged such that no part of the trailing edge of the forward section may be more than 200mm laterally from a support. These rigid supports must :
- fully enclose the two complete sections such that their inner profile matches that of the two sections. Their outer profile must be offset from the inner profile by between 8mm and 30mm and may not incorporate any radius smaller than 10mm ('gurney' type trim tabs may however be fitted between the supports) ;
- not be recessed into the wing profiles ;
- be arranged so that any curvature occurs only in a horizontal plane ;
- be between 2mm and 3mm thick ;
- be rigidly fixed to the two sections. Some form of adjustment mechanism between the sections may be incorporated for the sole purpose of allowing adjustment of the sections relative to one another whilst the car is in the pits ;
- be constructed from a material with modulus greater than 50GPa.
These supports will be ignored when assessing whether the car is in compliance with Articles 3.6, 3.9.2,
3.10.1, 3.10.2, 3.10.4 and 3.10.6.
3.10.4 No part of the car between 75mm and 355mm from the car centre line may be more than 350mm behind the rear wheel centre line.
3.10.5 Any parts of the car less than 75mm from the car centre line and more than 500mm behind the rear wheel centre line must be situated between 200mm and 400mm above the reference plane.
3.10.6 No part of the car less than 75mm from the car centre line and more than 350mm behind the rear wheel centre line may be more than 400mm above the reference plane.
3.10.7 No part of the car more than 375mm from the car centre line may be more than 350mm behind the rear wheel centre line.
3.10.8 In side view, the projected area of any bodywork lying between 300mm and 950mm above the reference plane and between the rear wheel centre line and a point 600mm behind it must be greater than 330000mm².
3.11 Bodywork around the front wheels:
With the exception of the air ducts described in Article 11.4 and the mirrors described in Article 3.8.1, in plan view, there must be no bodywork in the area formed by the intersection of the following lines :
- a longitudinal line parallel to and 900mm from the car centre line ;
- a transverse line 450mm forward of the front wheel centre line ;
- a diagonal line from 450mm forward of the front wheel centre line and 400mm from the car centre line to 750mm forward of the front wheel centre line and 250mm from the car centre line ;
- a transverse line 750mm forward of the front wheel centre line ;
- a longitudinal line parallel to and 165mm from the car centre line ;
- a diagonal line running forwards and inwards, from a point 875mm forward of the rear face of the cockpit entry template and 240mm from the car centre line, at an angle of 4.5 degrees to the car centre line ;
- a diagonal line from 875mm forward of the rear face of the cockpit entry template and 240mm from the car centre line to 625mm forward of the rear face of the cockpit entry template and 415mm from the car centre line ;
- a transverse line 625mm forward of the rear face of the cockpit entry template.
For reference this area is shown in Drawing 6A in the Appendix to these regulations.
3.11.2 With the exception of the air ducts described in Article 11.4, in side view, there must be no bodywork in the area formed by two vertical lines, one 325mm behind the front wheel centre line, one 450mm ahead of the front wheel centre line, one diagonal line intersecting the vertical lines at 100mm and 200mm above the reference plane respectively, and one horizontal line on the reference plane.
3.12 Bodywork facing the ground :
All sprung parts of the car situated from 330mm behind the front wheel centre line to the rear wheel centre line, and which are visible from underneath, must form surfaces which lie on one of two parallel planes, the reference plane or the step plane. This does not apply to any parts of rear view mirrors which are visible, provided each of these areas does not exceed 12000mm² when projected to a horizontal plane above the car, or to any parts of the panels referred to in Article 15.4.7.
The step plane must be 50mm above the reference plane.
3.12.2 Additionally, the surface formed by all parts lying on the reference plane must :
- extend from a point lying 330mm behind the front wheel centre line to the centre line of the rear wheels;
- have minimum and maximum widths of 300mm and 500mm respectively ;
- be symmetrical about the centre line of the car ;
- have a 50mm radius (+/-2mm) on each front corner when viewed from directly beneath the car, this being applied after the surface has been defined.
3.12.3 The surface lying on the reference plane must be joined around its periphery to the surfaces lying on the step plane by a vertical transition. If there is no surface visible on the step plane vertically above any point around the periphery of the reference plane, this transition is not necessary.
3.12.4 The peripheries of the surfaces lying on the reference and step planes may be curved upwards with maximum radii of 25mm and 50mm respectively. Where the vertical transition meets the surfaces on the step plane a radius, no greater than 25mm, is permitted.
A radius in this context will be considered as an arc applied perpendicular to the periphery and tangential to both surfaces.
The surface lying on the reference plane, the surfaces lying on the step plane, the vertical transitions between them and any surfaces rearward of the surfaces lying on the reference or step planes, must first be fully defined before any radius can be applied or the skid block fitted. Any radius applied is still considered part of the relevant surface.
3.12.5 All parts lying on the reference and step planes, in addition to the transition between the two planes, must produce uniform, solid, hard, continuous, rigid (no degree of freedom in relation to the body/chassis unit), impervious surfaces under all circumstances.
Fully enclosed holes are permitted in the surfaces lying on the reference and step planes provided no part of the car is visible through them when viewed from directly below.
3.12.6 To help overcome any possible manufacturing problems, and not to permit any design which may contravene any part of these regulations, dimensional tolerances are permitted on bodywork situated between a point lying 330mm behind the front wheel centre line and the rear wheel centre line. A vertical tolerance of +/- 5mm is permissible across the surfaces lying on the reference and step planes and a horizontal tolerance of 5mm is permitted when assessing whether a surface is visible from beneath the car.
3.12.7 No bodywork which is visible from beneath the car and which lies between the rear wheel centre line and a point 350mm rearward of it may be more than 175mm above the reference plane. Any intersection of the surfaces in this area with a lateral or longitudinal vertical plane should form one continuous line which is visible from beneath the car. A single break in the surface is permitted solely to allow the minimum required access for the device referred to in Article 5.15.
Additionally, any bodywork in this area must produce uniform, solid, hard, continuous, rigid (no degree of freedom in relation to the body/chassis unit), impervious surfaces under all circumstances.
3.12.8 All sprung parts of the car situated behind the rear wheel centre line, which are visible from underneath and are more than 250mm from the centre line of the car, must be at least 50mm above the reference plane.
3.13 Skid block :
Beneath the surface formed by all parts lying on the reference plane, a rectangular skid block, with a 50mm radius (+/-2mm) on each front corner, must be fitted. This skid block may comprise more than one piece but must :
a) extend longitudinally from a point lying 330mm behind the front wheel centre line to the centre line of the rear wheels.
b) be made from an homogeneous material with a specific gravity between 1.3 and 1.45.
c) have a width of 300mm with a tolerance of +/- 2mm.
d) have a thickness of 10mm with a tolerance of +/- 1mm.
e) have a uniform thickness when new.
f) have no holes or cut outs other than those necessary to fit the fasteners permitted by 3.13.2 or those holes specifically mentioned in g) below.
g) have seven precisely placed holes the positions of which are detailed in Drawing 1. In order to establish the conformity of the skid block after use, it's thickness will only be measured in the four 50mm diameter holes and the two forward 80mm diameter holes.
Four further 10mm diameter holes are permitted provided their sole purpose is to allow access to the bolts which secure the Accident Data Recorder to the survival cell.
h) be fixed symmetrically about the centre line of the car in such a way that no air may pass between it and the surface formed by the parts lying on the reference plane.
3.13.2 Fasteners used to attach the skid block to the car must :
a) have a total area no greater than 40000mm² when viewed from directly beneath the car ;
b) be no greater than 2000mm² in area individually when viewed from directly beneath the car ;
c) be fitted in order that their entire lower surfaces are visible from directly beneath the car.
When the skid block is new, ten of the fasteners may be flush with its lower surface but the remainder may be no more than 8mm below the reference plane.
3.13.3 The lower edge of the periphery of the skid block may be chamfered at an angle of 30° to a depth of 8mm, the trailing edge however may be chamfered over a distance of 200mm to a depth of 8mm.
3.14 Overhangs :
No part of the car may be more than 600mm behind the rear wheel centre line or more than 1200mm in front of the front wheel centre line.
3.14.2 No part of the bodywork more than 200mm from the car centre line may be more than 1000mm in front of the front wheel centre line.
3.14.3 All overhang measurements will be taken parallel to the reference plane.
3.15 Aerodynamic influence :
With the exception of the cover described in Article 6.5.2 (when used in the pit lane), the driver adjustable bodywork described in Article 3.18 and the ducts described in Article 11.4, any specific part of the car influencing its aerodynamic performance :
- must comply with the rules relating to bodywork.
- must be rigidly secured to the entirely sprung part of the car (rigidly secured means not having any degree of freedom).
- must remain immobile in relation to the sprung part of the car.
Any device or construction that is designed to bridge the gap between the sprung part of the car and the ground is prohibited under all circumstances.
No part having an aerodynamic influence and no part of the bodywork, with the exception of the skid block in 3.13 above, may under any circumstances be located below the reference plane.
3.16 Upper bodywork :
With the exception of the opening described in Article 3.16.3, when viewed from the side, the car must have bodywork in the area bounded by four lines. One vertical 1330mm forward of the rear wheel centre line, one horizontal 550mm above the reference plane, one horizontal 925mm above the reference plane and one diagonal which intersects the 925mm horizontal at a point 1000mm forward of the rear wheel centreline and the 550mm horizontal at a point lying 50mm forward of the rear wheel centreline.
Bodywork within this area must be arranged symmetrically about the car centre line and, when measured 200mm vertically below the diagonal boundary line, must have minimum widths of 150mm and 50mm respectively at points lying 1000mm and 50mm forward of the rear wheel centre line. This bodywork must lie on or outside the boundary defined by a linear taper between these minimum widths.
3.16.2 Bodywork lying vertically above the upper boundary as defined in 3.16.1 may be no wider than 125mm and must be arranged symmetrically about the car centreline.
3.16.3 In order that a car may be lifted quickly in the event of it stopping on the circuit, the principal rollover structure must incorporate a clearly visible unobstructed opening designed to permit a strap, whose section measures 60mm x 30mm, to pass through it.
3.17 Bodywork flexibility :
Bodywork may deflect no more than 10mm vertically when a 500N load is applied vertically to it 800mm forward of the front wheel centre line and 795mm from the car centre line. The load will be applied in a downward direction using a 50mm diameter ram and an adapter 300mm long and 150mm wide. Teams must supply the latter when such a test is deemed necessary.
3.17.2 Bodywork may deflect no more than 10mm vertically when a 500N load is applied vertically to it 450mm forward of the rear wheel centre line and 650mm from the car centre line. The load will be applied in a downward direction using a 50mm diameter ram and an adapter of the same size. Teams must supply the latter when such a test is deemed necessary.
3.17.3 Bodywork may deflect by no more than one degree horizontally when a load of 1000N is applied simultaneously to its extremities in a rearward direction 925mm above the reference plane and 20mm forward of the rear wheel centre line.
3.17.4 Bodywork may deflect no more than 2mm vertically when a 500N load is applied simultaneously to each side of it 200mm behind the rear wheel centre line, 325mm from the car centre line and 970mm above the reference plane. The deflection will be measured at the outer extremities of the bodywork at a point 345mm behind the rear wheel centre line.
The load will be applied in a downward direction through pads measuring 200mm x 100mm which conform to the shape of the bodywork beneath them, and with their uppermost horizontal surface 970mm above the reference plane. The load will be applied to the centre of area of the pads. Teams must supply the latter when such a test is deemed necessary.
3.17.5 Bodywork may deflect no more than 5mm vertically when a 2000N load is applied vertically to it at a point which lies on the car centre line and 380mm rearward of the front wheel centre line. The load will be applied in an upward direction using a 50mm diameter ram. Stays or structures between the front of the bodywork lying on the reference plane and the survival cell may be present for this test, provided they are completely rigid and have no system or mechanism which allows non-linear deflection during any part of the test.
3.17.6 The uppermost aerofoil element lying behind the rear wheel centre line may deflect no more than 5mm horizontally when a 500N load is applied horizontally. The load will be applied 950mm above the reference plane at three separate points which lie on the car centre line and 190mm either side of it. The loads will be applied in a rearward direction using a suitable 25mm wide adapter which must be supplied by the relevant team.
3.17.7 The forward-most aerofoil element lying behind the rear wheel centre line and which lies more than 730mm above the reference plane may deflect no more than 2mm vertically when a 200N load is applied vertically. The load will be applied in line with the trailing edge of the element at any point across its width. The loads will be applied using a suitable adapter, supplied by the relevant team, which :
- may be no more than 50mm wide ;
- which extends no more than 10mm forward of the trailing edge ;
- incorporates an 8mm female thread in the underside.
3.17.8 In order to ensure that the requirements of Article 3.15 are respected, the FIA reserves the right to introduce further load/deflection tests on any part of the bodywork which appears to be (or is suspected of), moving whilst the car is in motion.
3.18 Driver adjustable bodywork :
A single closed section situated each side of car centre line in the volume bounded by :
- lines 450mm and 800mm in front of the front wheel centre line ;
- a vertical plane which intersects these lines at a distance 250mm from the car centre line ;
- and the inboard face of the bodywork described in Article 3.7.5 ;
is allowed to change incidence while the vehicle is in motion within a maximum range of 6 degrees, provided any such change maintains compliance with all of the bodywork dimensional regulations.
Alteration of the incidence of these sections must be made simultaneously and may only be commanded by direct driver input and controlled using the control electronics specified in Article 8.2. Except when the car is in the pit lane, a maximum of two adjustments may be made within any single lap of a circuit.

From the 2009 Formula One Sporting Regulations:

Each competitor may have no more than two cars available for use at any one time during an Event. Any
partially assembled survival cell will be deemed to be a car in this context if it is fitted with an engine, any
front suspension external to the survival cell, bodywork, radiators, oil tanks external to the survival cell or
heat exchangers.
28.2 Any driver who decides to use another car or whose car has a change of survival cell following the
qualifying practice session must start the race from the pit lane following the procedures detailed in Article
38.2. Under these circumstances :
- no restrictions on fuel load will be applied ;
- the car concerned will not have to comply with the requirements of Article 34 ;
- the car will be permitted to carry out one reconnaissance lap when the pit lane is opened for the race.
28.3 No change of car is permitted after the start of the race.
A change of car will be deemed to have taken place once a driver is seated in his new car and such change may only take place in the team's designated garage area.
28.4 a) Each driver may use no more than eight engines during a Championship season. Should a driver use
more than eight engines he will drop ten places on the starting grid at any Event during which an additional engine is used.
An engine will be deemed to have been used once the car's timing transponder has shown that it has left the pit lane.
b) If a driver is replaced at any time during the Championship season his replacement will be deemed to
be the original driver for the purposes of assessing engine usage.
c) After consultation with the relevant engine supplier the FIA will attach seals to each engine in order to ensure that no significant moving parts can be rebuilt or replaced.
Within two hours of the end of the post race parc ferme, and if the Competitor intends to use the engine at the next Event, exhaust blanking plates (with one 10mm diameter inspection hole per cylinder) and further seals will be applied in order to ensure that the engine cannot be run until the next Event. These seals will be removed at the start of initial scrutineering at the next Event.
d) If any of the FIA seals are damaged or removed from an engine after it has been used for the first time that engine may not be used again unless they were removed under FIA supervision.
28.5 Only engines which have been homologated by the FIA in accordance with Appendix 6 may be used at an Event during the 2008-2012 Championship seasons.
28.6 For the purposes of this Article only, an Event will be deemed to comprise P3, the qualifying practice
session and the race.
a) Each driver may use no more than one gearbox for four consecutive Events in which his team competes. Should a driver use a replacement gearbox he will drop five places on the starting grid at that Event and an additional five places each time a further gearbox is used.
Any replacement gearbox must be fitted with the same gear ratios that were declared under d) below and will only be required to complete the remainder of the Event in question. Any change to the gear ratios declared under d) below will incur a further five grid place penalty. In either case a new four race sequence may start at the following Event.
Unless the driver fails to finish the race (see below) the gearbox fitted to the car at the end of the Event must remain in it for three further Events. Any driver who failed to finish the race at the first, second or third of the four Events for reasons which the technical delegate accepts as being beyond the control of the team or driver, may start the following Event with a different gearbox without a penalty being incurred.
A gearbox will be deemed to have been used once the car's timing transponder has shown that it has left the pit lane.
b) If a driver is replaced after the first, second or third of a four Event period, having finished the first, second or third Events, the replacement driver must use the gearbox which the original driver had been using.
c) After consultation with the relevant team the FIA will attach seals to each gearbox in order to ensure that no moving parts, other than those specifically permitted under d) below, can be rebuilt or replaced.
d) At each Event seals may be broken once, under supervision and at any time prior to the second day of practice, for the sole purpose of changing gear ratios and dog rings (excluding final drives or reduction gears). Competitors must inform the FIA technical delegate which ratios they intend to fit no later than two hours after the end of P2.
Gear ratios and dog rings (excluding final drives or reduction gears) may also be changed under supervision for others of identical specification at any time during an Event provided the FIA technical delegate is satisfied there is evident physical damage to the parts in question and that such changes are not being carried out on a systematic basis.
e) Other than under d) above, a replacement gearbox will also be deemed to have been used if any of the FIA seals are damaged or removed from the original gearbox after it has been used for the first time.

a) Track testing shall be considered any track running time undertaken by a competitor entered in the
Championship with the exception of :
i) promotional or demonstration events carried out using tyres provided specifically for this purpose by the appointed supplier ;
ii) young driver training, any such driver having not competed in an F1 World Championship Event in the preceding 24 months nor tested a Formula One car on more than four days in the same 24 month period.
b) No competitor may carry out more than 15,000km of track testing during a calendar year.
c) No track testing may take place between the start of the week preceding the first Event of the Championship and 31 December of the same year.
d) During all track testing cars must be fitted with the FIA ECU required by Article 8.2 of the 2009 FIA Formula One Technical Regulations.
e) No track testing is permitted at sites which are not currently approved for use by Formula 1 cars. In order to ensure that venue licence conditions are respected at all times during track testing, competitors are required to inform the FIA of their test schedule in order that an observer may be appointed if deemed necessary.
f) During all Formula One track testing :
- red flag procedures must be respected ;
- no other type of vehicle is permitted on the track ;
- every reasonable effort should be made to ensure that the recommendations concerning emergency services detailed in Article 16 of Appendix H to the Code are followed.
g) If, after an incident during track testing, the Medical Warning Light signals that threshold forces have been exceeded the driver must present himself for examination in the circuit medical centre without delay.
h) No wind tunnel testing may be carried out using a scale model which is greater than 60 per cent of full size.
i) No wind tunnel testing may be carried out at a speed exceeding 50 metres/second.

Whilst the safety car is in operation, competing cars may enter the pit lane, but may only rejoin the track when the green light at the end of the pit lane is on. It will be on at all times except when the safety car and the line of cars following it are about to pass or are passing the pit exit. A car rejoining the track must proceed at an appropriate speed until it reaches the end of the line of cars behind the safety car.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

mahasiswa utm..tertindas,ditindas ditipu?

sudah masuk tahun ke 3 sy belajar di utm skudai, pada hakikat namanya, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Apakah nama teknologi itu merujuk pada kemajuan penyelidikan, kepakaran tenaga pengajar,? Mgkin ramai mereka diluar gah mendengar nama UTM, tp jika dibandingkan pada segi infrastruktur dan kemudahan asas, ianya jauh ketinggalan dibelakang
Kemudahan asas seringan2 perkhidmatan internet wireless amatlah sukar diperoleh disekitar kampus, dan kelajuannya tidaklah seberapa. Mgkin ada pihak bercakap mengenasi kos, tidak sy sangkalkn, tetapi sudah 9tahun kita hidup dizaman millenium ,apakah sukar infrastruktur wireless utk pelajar di UTM? adakah keluasan UTM menjadi penghalang? Sedangkn kolej dalam pn tidak mendapat perkhidmatan wireless dgn jelas dan laju, kalau ada pn selalu hanyalah Signal sahaja.

Apa yg menjadi kerunsingan adalah kehadiran provider wireless internet services berbayar di kampus utm skudai.. Apakah mereka ini diberi lesen berniaga sedangkan infrastruktur ini diberi oleh UTM sdri dan pelajar sdri ada membayar yuran komputer pada setiap semester. Apakah yuran digunakan hanya utk membeli komputer baru, yang lama dibuang tanpa dikitar semula. Apakah terms n agreement terlalu penting sdangkan kita masih boleh menggunkan bahan yg dianggap buangan dalam pelbagai cara samada dikitar semual atau guna semula..
Amatlah pelik jika beratus2 hard disk kelihatan dibeberapa fakulti terbiar begitu sahaja, dgn alasan :hak utm:

Politik Di Perak

wajarkah kita sbgai rakyat Malaysia menerima buta2 keputusan yang dibuat oleh pihak tertinggi. adakah pihak tertinggi itu yg melampaui batasan kuasanya berhak berbuat apa saja yg dirasakan betul tanpa mengikut hala tuju perlembagaan seperti yang termaktub sekian lama.. hak rakyat ditutup dgn hala tuju politik ditala mengikut satu arah saja..adakah sanggup menjadi org yg buta perut, atau meneruskan perjuang menuntut hak sepatutnya sbgai rakyat negara yang kaya dengan hasil bumi dan terkenal beratus tahun lamanya

jgn kita lemaskan sejarah agung kerana kepentingan diri kita sdri, sedangkan ramai yang sengsara..
buka mata, buka telinga, dan faham seadanya perlembagaan negara dan hak yang patut dituntut, bersyukur dgn apa saja mungkn melambangkan keamanan, dan mungkin melambangkan sikap buta perut dan mementingkan diri sendiri, sedangkan masih ada segelintir yang hak mereka belum terbela..